
Because you can’t know or do everything yourself, we have compiled useful links here to the most important culture and social security organisations in Switzerland.

Knowledge and further education

Lemon is a platform set up by the Luzerner Forum für Sozialversicherungen und Soziale Sicherheit (Lucerne Forum for Social Security) for people in their 20s and 30s.

Kulturmarkt has been commissioned by SECO to provide a programme of qualifications or jobseekers in the culture, communication and restaurant sectors.

SSUDK is a retraining foundation offering consultations, coaching and financial support for retraining.

Covid support

You can find an overview of the support offered to culture professionals at Branchenhilfe.

You can submit requests for emergency aid to Suisseculture Sociale.

The Federal Office of Culture provides information on how to cushion the economic impacts.

Pensions, insurance, advice
The institutions which make up Netzwerk Vorsorge Kultur (the Culture Pensions Network) offer occupational pensions for artists of all disciplines.

Pensionskasse Musik und Bildung (the Music and Education Pension Fund) is the pensions partner for music schools.

The CAST Stiftung offers occupational pensions for culture professionals.

Vorsorgestiftung Film und Audiovision
(the Film and Audiovisual Pension Foundation) offers pension schemes for the film and audiovisual sector.
The pension fund Artes & Comoedia exclusively serves the cultural sector.

On the AHV/IV (Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance) website, you can find an overview of the cantonal compensation offices.

fairsicherung offers insurance products for the self-employed, SMEs and organisations.

The association LEGAL HELP offers legal aid, even for those with limited budgets.

Pro Senectute provides help and advice on Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance (AHV/AVS), supplementary benefits and a wide range of other topics pertaining to old age.

The foundation Pro Mente Santa provides help and advice on the topics of mental health and recovery.

On the SKOS website, you can find an overview of consultation providers for social security recipients and their families.

Swissmedmusica (Swiss society for music-medicine), connects musicians with medical and therapeutic specialists.

Copyright and related rights

is the organisation for related rights in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

SUISA is the Cooperative Society of Music Authors and Publishers.

Société suisse des auteurs manages copyrights for stage performances and audio-visual works.

ProLitteris is the Swiss copyright collective for literature and arts.

Schweizerische Interpretengenossenschaft (Swiss Performers’ Cooperative Society) represents the interests of all performing artists working in Switzerland.

Swiss co-operative SUISSIMAGE protects authors’ rights (copyrights) for audiovisual works.

Professional and sectoral associations

The professional organisation SONART represents freelance musicians in Switzerland.

The platform HELVETIA ROCKT coordinates and networks Swiss jazz, pop and rock musicians.

The Schweizerischen Bühnenkünstlerverband (Swiss Performing Arts Associations) is made up of artists from the theatre, film and TV sectors.

The Schweizerischer Musikerverband (Musicians’ Union of Switzerland) brings together members of professional orchestras and professional musicians of all genres.

t. Theaterschaffende Schweiz (t. theatre professionals Switzerland) is the professional association for everyone who works in professional independent theatre.

The dance association Danse Suisse is committed to dance as an art form and specially to dance as a profession in Switzerland.

The dance network RESO promotes exchange and co-operation between organisers and dance professionals.

Visarte represents the interests of professional visual artists in Switzerland.

The professional association ssfv represents film crew and cast members across Switzerland.

Verband Filmregie und Drehbuch Schweiz (The Swiss Association of Filmmakers) brings together Swiss filmmakers.

The association A*ds represents and provides advice for authors and translators in Switzerland.

SWISS MUSIC EXPORT is the Swiss organisation for exporting contemporary pop music.

The SMPA (Swiss Music Promoters’ Association) represents the professional concert, show and festival organisers in Switzerland.

IndieSuisse represents Swiss independent music labels and producers.

The organisations representing professionals in the media and cultural sectors come together in Switzerland as Suisseculture.

The Schweizer Musikrat (Swiss Music Council) is the umbrella organisation for musicians in Switzerland.

Support for culture

You can find and overview of the foundations in Switzerland on fundraiso.ch.

On kulturfoerderung.ch (culturepromotion.ch), you can find an overview of public and private support for culture in Switzerland.

The foundation Pro Helvetia supports and facilitates the spread of Swiss art and culture.